Stuff I use- SvelteKit
Opinionated meta framework for Svelte (used for his website).
- Raycast
Nicer version of Spotlight for Mac.
- Homebrew
Installing all the stuff the easy way, for nerds on Mac.
- AltTab
A better and customizable version of CMD + Tab on Mavc.
- Nuxt.js
Opinionated meta framework for Vue.js.
- Rectangle
Move and snap windows in macOS via mouse and shortcuts.
- Google Workspace
In my case it is used privately, but it is also very easy to set up for small to large organizations.
- Slack
If there is a new side project with multiple people I tend to directly create a workspace to streamline the communication.
- VS Code
As I'm not a big fan of TextEdit (macOS) I use VS Code as my primarily text editor. And nowadays also for Astro.js.
- Bookmark Divider
A tool created by myself to use it as a bookmark divider between my favicon bookmarks.
- WorkFlowy
My go-to knowledge app, you could also call it a note app. Basically it is an endless list.
- Clipy
A clipboard manager for macOS. No more, no less.
- WebStorm
I like it as it just works and has all the features I need built-in.
- Figma
Awesome vector tool, you can work live at files and share them easily.
- Enpass
I bought this password manager before they started the subscription model. Therefore, I can use it without any monthly fees.
- google webfonts helper
Tool to help you host Google fonts without the CDN. Why should you care? GDPR, Performance, Control.
- GitHub Actions
As all my projects are on GitHub I'm just happy about such a simple solution for automation.
- Vercel
Same as Netlify, but I prefer Vercel for projects with serverless functions.
- Vue.js
My favorite JS framework, as it lets you use what the web was made with: HTML and CSS! And Single File Components are just awesome.
- Rode NT-USB Mini
Nice quality (as far as I can tell) and can be used without an arm.
- Playwright
A Node.js browser automation framework I use it to automate websites which won't give me API access or to generate images.
- Netlify
Connect Netlify to your repository to get a build when you push to main and also get previews in PRs.
- Logitech Streamcam
Supports default mounting options and produces a pretty good Full HD image.
- Elgato Streamdeck
Programmable keyboard with displays which shows different keys depending on the context.
- Elgato Ring Light
Quite expansive, but the warmness (Kelvin) and brightness can be adjusted seamlessly (Mobile & Desktop).
- ASUS ZenScreen MB16AC
Mobile display, powered over USB-C which gives me a dual display set up almost everywhere.
- Apple MacBook Air
Specs: M1 (Processor), 16 GB (Memory), 256 GB (Storage)
- vue-resume-component
My first npm package which powered the CV of a previous version of this page.